Sunshine Fund
What is the BHNRC Sunshine Fund?
The fund was established to help those employees of Baptist Health Nursing and Rehabilitation Center (BHNRC) experiencing financial difficulty because of some type of disaster.
Who is eligible for this fund?
You must be a current employee of BHNRC and have been employed by BHNRC for at least 6 months. You must also be in good standing with BHNRC.
How are awardees selected?
A committee, appointed by Tony Alotta, Administrator, will review the applications. A two-thirds majority vote of the committee is required to release the funds.. All funds will be released confidentially to the chosen employees.
Employees will be directed to other sources of funding or assistance before they can receive Sunshine Funds. Sunshine Funds will be used as a last resort to assist employees. Sunshine Funds may be used to help bridge the gap to outside assistance. Employees may be directed to Baptist’s Job Coach for assistance with outside services.
How do I apply for funding?
Applications are available in the HR office.
Please show your support of BHNRC and the programs we provide by making a donation. Your contribution is tax deductible. Baptist Health Nursing and Rehabilitation is a not-for-profit organization. Registered Charity: 13-2929427.
You can make your tax-deductible donation using a credit card via PayPal secure payments. No PayPal account is required.
Please mail your check to
Baptist Health Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
297 N. Ballston Ave.
Scotia, NY 12302
Attn: Development Office
We accept donations of new or gently used clothing, books, movies, CDs, MP3 players, materials for activities, etc.
Please call 518-370-4700 before dropping off in-kind donations. Include your contact information and the value of your donated items so that we may acknowledge your donation.

297 North Ballston Avenue
Scotia, NY 12302
Baptist Health Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
Skilled nursing, short-term and outpatient rehabilitation services, bariatric services, palliative care.