What Our Volunteers Say…
“If you are thinking about volunteering, I would recommend that you volunteer at Baptist Health Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. Why Baptist? Because there are so many volunteer opportunities that you are sure to find one that brings you joy. You will find that volunteering is a gift you give to yourself.
I have volunteered for several years on the Memory Focused Unit. I have met many wonderful people during my time there- both residents and staff. The residents that I have had the opportunity to spend time with have shared stories of their lives with me. We laugh, reminisce and compare memories. Sometimes the residents are not able to verbalize all the details of their stories – but together we piece together enough to make the exchange meaningful for everyone involved in the conversation. I have found that it’s not always the details that are important- it’s the time spent together! That is evident in all of our smiles.
As my volunteer session draws to a close, I say good bye to my dear friends with a smile. The smiles and waves I receive in return are truly a gift! Volunteering is a great way to make life richer for all involved.”
~ Jean Gustafson, Volunteer
“Union College students have volunteered at Baptist for many years through our Community Experience Pre-Orientation, U-ReBloom program and John Calvin Toll Day of Service.
Our students have enjoyed chatting with residents, playing BINGO and even painting curbs in the parking lot! We miss visiting in person and hope to come back soon. Meanwhile, we hope to help out remotely if we can.”
~ Janet Sweeney, Interim Director, Union College Community Outreach
If you would like to join our staff of dedicated volunteers or donate supplies, please call our Director of Customer Relations and Volunteer Services today at 370-4700!
You can download a Volunteer Application here.

297 North Ballston Avenue
Scotia, NY 12302
Baptist Health Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
Skilled nursing, short-term and outpatient rehabilitation services, bariatric services, palliative care.